Wednesday, April 28, 2010

An Introduction to Jan Treat and Mark IV Harvest

Dear readers, all of you who know and love the Lord Jesus, I would like to introduce you to a dear sister in the Lord, Jan Treat. Jan and her husband, Earl, founded the first Christian school in Georgia (country, not state). It has been my privilege to get to know Jan personally over the past few months. I would ask you to be in prayer for them as they go on yet another missionary trip to Georgia to oversee the Christian school they began there years ago. Pray especially for Jan, as she has special challenges to face due to some difficult health issues. She really is a very sweet sister, and deals with it all with faith, courage, peace and joy. They have a website dedicated to their ministry, and Jan blogs on that site. I am including here the link to her blog, and I hope it blesses you as it blesses me.

Jan Treat's Blog, Mark IV Harvest


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